
Friday, December 2, 2011

Almost Hayden, just a little longer.

We took the kiddos to get their haircut today. I don't know what they were more excited for, the haircuts (well sitting in the special car chairs) or taking their first ride in our new car. They are so excited about the new's funny, we didn't really expect them to do much more than notice we didn't have the Odyssey any more.

Hayden had a set back again, another scream fest which resulted in only a bang trim while on Daddy's lap. She narrowly escaped getting a major hack job, we need 8-10 inches to donate it and she just barely has enough to do the 8. Not to mention we have Santa pics to do this coming week. We decided to let it be, keep it growing until next haircut time and then let them chop off the 8 or 10" and donate it.

Xander and Lily did great. Lily got the full treatment with her cut this time. The stylist noticed that she STILL has cradle cap and asked if she could spray her head down with Pam, let it sit 20min then comb through it and finish it up with a wash. She said it is really important to get that stuff out now that her adult hair is starting to come in, she said it could really damage, even kill, the follicles if it isn't gotten rid of. The Pam worked and after the wash Miss Lily was not a big grease ball like I was afraid of. She didn't quite know what to think about laying her head back in the wash bowl, but she was totally brave and soon realized it was all good.

I do have one funny story. Each stylists station has a TV and video player, the parents pick out a movie for their child and the hair cutting begins. Lily's movie was the Little Mermaid. As soon as the movie started Lily got all excited and yelled out "Momma, it's the Little Mermaid". Then out of nowhere she holds her hands to her eye like she has a make believe telescope and yells out perfectly "Whoa! Mermaid off the port bow! Ariel! How you doin', kid?". There were about 4 stylists standing around us and every single one of them busted out laughing and listened intently as she continued quoting the movie LOL. Our little drama queen, really must have the stage or film in her future.

My youngest, and baldest, child had no need for a stylist today....but he did enjoy playing with all their fun toys.

Lily getting her hair washed :)

After haircuts we headed out to visit Uncle Rick, Auntie Tia and Cousins T & B. The trio did great, right up until we were heading out...then Xander decided he would throw one of his Aunties cups on the floor and break it :(

Xander was in awe of their big fish...our little tiny one is still kicking by the way, looks like the tank is clear for a new crew. The fish store gave us the feeder goldfish for free, said we could bring him back dead or alive in a couple days once we know if he would make it. I don't think we are going to be able to take him back, this lil guy is off the menu.

I still haven't taken any good side pics of the car, so here is the one the dealer took of it. We are really loving it, I got to drive it for the first time tonight. It still feels like a tank but I think it will just take a little getting used to. Now we just need to get the triplets some slim carseats and get them all in the 3rd row. just gotta figure out which seats to get.

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