
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Miss bossy pants.

Hayden has taken it upon herself to scold the others. Despite Jason and I telling her, every time, that we are the parents and we do not need her help. She have even started doing the count down to time out. Yes we do the whole "1 (alerting misbehaving child that the countdown has started,) 2 (alerting misbehaving child that we are not letting this go,) 3 (alerting misbehaving child that we are serious,) 4 (alerting misbehaving child that they have one second to comply,) and 5 (alerting misbehaving child that they better get their little butt to timeout.) It is so funny when she starts counting, but how do we make her stop...I fear her fellow ankle biters are going to plot against her LOL.

The kids had school today, Lily Bug is still pitching a fit at drop off. Wonder when her turn will be over so Xander can start. After school we did a couple little Pinterest crafts.

Masking tape and finger paint. Though the tape didn't come off as easy as I had hoped, some paper came too. Wonder if there is a better tape to use?

We also did a handprint Christmas tree...Jericho's little hands made the top tier :)

We went out to find the girls their Christmas dresses, though most of them fell asleep in the car so we stayed put while Jason ran in. I had to amuse myself somehow so here are a couple inside pics of the new SUV. man I can not wait to get them in seats that will fit 3 to a row!


  1. Katrina, what about paper tape? Like the kind you'd use to hold a bandage on a wound? It tends to be less sticky...

  2. Good idea...will have to try that next time.
