
Monday, December 5, 2011

Being sick sucks.

I have been M.I.A again, so sorry. 5 out of 6 of us have been sick...Jason once again escapes the cooties, so I have some back tracking to do.

The trio brought back some projects they did at school, well Lily must have left hers at school, but Xander and Hayden brought theirs home. They are so proud to show us their work :)

 Jason did drop off and pick up solo, while Jericho and I stayed couch bound. When the kids got home from school, Lily ran to me fixed my blanket, and asked me if I would be alright. She spent the rest of the day at my side, if I so much as sat up she would holler at me to lay back down LOL.

So cute, even when he's sick :)
Funny Jericho story... So I have a lot of my pain meds from my 2 surgeries this year left over. Jason convinced me to take something to help me rest. He said he would help me with Jericho, here is his idea of help. This morning about 5am I wake to Jason talking to me. He says "Jericho is beating on you, don't you feel that"...I say huh, still trying to wake up and hear what exactly he is telling me. He then says "Jericho is upset, hungry and you are laying on his food." I realize then that I am sleeping on my tummy and Jericho is slapping me on my back like there are a couple bongos back there and yelling at me LOL.

Poor Xander, not feeling too hot either.

Gotta talk to his teacher, they have spelled his name wrong on every project that has made it home.

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