
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

No wonder you have a busted lip.

Have mercy, Jericho you are such a boy and so much like your trouble seeking older brother. We often call you Xander Jr. Only you may be just a touch worse, since you are starting on this path so much earlier than he did.
Tonight Jericho could not be dissuaded from his goal to stand king of the hill, or box as the case may be. We eventually gave up and just let him do it. He actually did great, didn't fall even though there were a couple close calls. It is not hard to see why he has a busted lip though I am sure.

Almost fell, nice save lil man.

Way to go buddy!

Ta Da...I missed the look at me Ma was huge :)
A little shot of that busted lip from earlier today.
Another Jericho funny. Hayden had a rather loud and long umm gas passage at dinner tonight. Everyone frooze and looked in her direction. When she was finished Jericho answered back with blowing a raspberry at her LMAO.

Jericho has started giving kisses now too, open mouth, but when you pucker up he comes at ya with a wet one :)

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