
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another run in with 'the Big Guy'

Today we all headed out to see Santa. We got there later than planned, will we ever be on time again?? Maybe when the kids are all in high school hahaha. Anyway, Santa was on a lunch break when we got there, so we walked around the mall for about 40 min. We had a few comments on the trio, which really are fewer and farther between now that they are older. One lady saw the three of them sitting at a table and asked us if they were twins...I was giving her a second to take another look and change her mind, but Hayden didn't. She piped up "We're triplets" while holding up three fingers LOL. I still don't know how this became apparent to her, we don't really talk about it around them, but she knows, and educated the nice lady for me.
A line had already started forming before we made our loop back around, we ended up with a 30 min wait in line...bummmer. Jericho and Xander were little PITA's, of course. Hayden and Lily did a good job just waiting and entertaining each other.
I brought bribes...err...treats and had been telling the kids for 2 days that if they sat with Santa for a picture I would give them each a treat. We had all kinds of smiles and agreements. Didn't hold up in the moment though.

Looking so spiffy!

Waiting in line.

Xander did really good this time, no smiles but no tears...I will count that as a win! Lily cried at first but settled down after a couple min. Hayden, yeah not so much. Maybe next year Jason and I won't have to be in the picture too. At least this year we were ready for it so we don't look like total bums. I had an excuse, 37 weeks pregnant does not a pretty picture make, but Jason...shorts, really??? LOL

Jericho's first time meeting Santa, no crying at all. I won't get excited about that until it holds next year too. The triplets didn't cry their first year either, we have yet to have a repeat performance of that out of all three.


You can read about the fateful 2009 visit here.
See more of the triplets first Santa visit here. 

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