
Friday, December 9, 2011

We need batteries!

The kids went through their first power outage today. It was only for 3 hours but it was long enough for them to notice. They ran around trying all the light switches, when the lights didn't come on they would ask us to get new batteries LOL. It was just about to get real dark and we were planning to go out for dinner when it came back on thankfully. Oh how we take power for granted.

Xander has a new trouble making scheme. Now that the beds are nailed to the floor, he has had to get more creative. Next things to be taken out of their room...drawers.
I walked in to the kids room to find Xander climbed up on his "ladder" of open drawers. He had the window open and who knows what his next move would have been. He really is trying to give me a heart attack.

Xander hiding because he was busted!

Have to add a little Hayden funny. She is totally our most independent child, we are always hearing "I'll do it myself," we know doing anything with Hayden takes twice as long because she doesn't want any help. Well now she has started saying "step aside, step aside I will do it." It is so funny, she even makes these little shooing motions when she says it.

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