
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just a little taste.*

I grabbed the camera and caught a little bit of our dinner theater last night. Thought I would share the joy and laughs with you :) Lily Bug was in fine form, she ran a Little Mermaid scene and song. If you haven't seen the movie in a while you can be assured she has it pretty much right on. And she hasn't seen the movie (other than a tid bit during her haircut the other week) in a really long time. It is only about 2 min long, and oh my gosh the cuteness! Have I said recently how much I love my life?!?!
The trio came home from school today with some fun crafts. Reindeer bags, silver bells, snowflakes to name a few. The last couple of drop offs have been tear free for everyone! Now we have a 2 week break, hopefully we don't have to start all over with the crying when the break is over.

Jericho has been out doing himself in the 'getting into trouble' field. He can now get himself up on the couch, in the kids little shopping cart LOL....and up on Hayden's bed.

Poor Hayden, has her usual winter dry red cheeks going on. She gets this every year...a little flashback.

My little cuties at 6 1/2 months.

Xander was helping me read the bed time story tonight :)

Tired Lily Bug, gotta try that thumb stuff again, she is very attached and persistent LOL.

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