
Friday, December 16, 2011

A visit from Auntie Allie!

My sis is in town for a short visit, we are all so excited to see her and my niece Rowan. They live too far away...I miss her so much. We need to jam pack the next 3 days with fun, laughs and lots of hugs.  

Jericho, and O.J., take a nap to rest up for our guests.

Hayden had to go join him, she ended up waking him up of course :)

Now that he can get up on the couch we can't keep him off. He has fallen a couple times already, wild lil man.

We did the shaving cream snowmen again today. The first ones were so fun, but after about 4 or 5 days the "puffy" snowmen were looking really deflated. Poor Hayden is so chapped :(

Lily showing off their art!

Auntie Allie, Cousin Rowan, Trent and Uncle Skunk arrived about 6pm tonight. They hung out for a couple hours tonight, the trio were quite entertaining.

Rowan and Jericho, she totally loved him...Jericho was much smaller the last time she saw him :)

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