
Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas everyone!

A little twist on our tradition of chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast on Christmas. Cute huh??? The kids loved them :)

They turned out really huge, nobody ate the whole thing LOL.

Jason had to work until 3pm, so after breakfast the kids played with what they got yesterday and waited for Daddy to open their last couple of things and get their stockings.

A few pics of their new stuff.

My awesome Huggie, and Jason's new Tshirt LOL.

Prized Ponies and little pails, check out the joker in the back. We have been calling him crash all day, since getting his newest lump on his forehead LOL.

Lily loves those Ponies.

They love their new flash cards too.

Crash kicking back too :)

Daddy got home and the kids finished up their Christmas gift fun. Including the stockings from Santa. 

The trio got their first watches, which I am sure will last about 3 days before they are broke. We shall see.

So I didn't feel left out, Jason gave me my gift from him. Love it, thanks Babe!

I returned the favor :)

Your powers combined...LOL.

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