
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time to get cracking!

It feels like the last month plus has been crazy busy. Thanksgiving, my sister coming to town, Christmas, and now Jericho's 1st birthday party. Whew, I need January to get here so I can rest LOL.

Jason let me sleep in this morning, Jericho is the middle of a growth spurt I think...eating all night long is not great for Momma's sleep. Daddy got the kiddos up, dressed and fed. Then they did a little reading, Jason got the below pic of Xander and Hayden sitting and reading together. So nice to see they can be sweet to each other sometimes.

After story time, they put on their new boots and went to play outside for a bit.

Jericho's party is in 2 days...eeekkk! The triplets helped us make some fun crafty caterpillar decorations today :)

One of their Christmas gifts came in handy today. I thought the tissue paper butterfly on the package would be perfect.

Then found out it for some reason was not in the box. We drew our own on some cardboard, worked out OK I think.

While all our crafts were drying, the kids went to work on making a big ol mess. They decided EVERY toy needed to be taken to their bedroom. They were having way too much fun to put a stop to it, but what a mess.

They cleaned us out. After the first toy run to the bedroom the girls stayed in the room and kept sending Xander out for more. It was so funny, he would come to the door, knock on it and say "it's Xander, I have more toys, let me in" LOL.

Almost makes me want to just keep everythig in their room, how I miss my living room as it was pre-toy store.

A full day of playing and crafts, Miss Bug is a tired girl :)

My little goober boy. He has been sporting these little sock shoes all day, he digs them!

Just about 1 year old, sweet baby boy <3

The days work! They should go great with the banner we made a month ago.

Thin wire and pom pom caterpillers, saw these cuties on Pinterest.

Egg carton and fingerprint caterpillars too!

The tissue paper butterfly, not too bad.

Feeling a little nostalgic, since Jericho is almost 1. Here he is 1 year ago.


  1. I cannot believe little man is one already!! Happy Birthday Jericho.

  2. I know it Heidi, I can not believe it either!!!
