
Friday, December 30, 2011

Tomorrow my "baby" will be one!

It is so hard to believe a year ago tonight I had thrown in the towel on getting a VBAC, after 12 hours of Pitocin and starvation, and was bracing myself for a Csection bright and early the next morning. I took one last belly pic, and tried to commit to memory the feel of my belly and the sweet baby in it. As much as I wanted to meet him, I wanted to hold on to him too. I remember, all too well, having the same feeling with the triplets, it almost felt like I was mourning being pregnant as equally as I was celebrating the new one joining our lives on the outside. So strange, and so bittersweet. There are still things I miss and will always cherish about being pregnant, but nothing at all compares to these little munchkins being here in our world.

1 year ago tonight...
We got most of the party details taken care of today, still some last minute stuff to do tomorrow before the party, isn't there always?! 

Loved getting the big kids help on the decorations and goodie bags :)

The nice thing about a 1 year olds party? You can put the decorations up a bit in advance and not spoil the surprise LOL.

Off to a full day tomorrow!

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