
Friday, December 23, 2011

Tree up...very late this year.

We didn't put a tree up last year, we didn't think the triplets would leave it alone and we would have a repeat of the year before. So not wanting to go there again, what a PITA. This year though we have to brave doing the tree again, being that it is Jericho's 1st Christmas and we are hosting the annual Christmas Eve family party. We planned to wait until the very last minute, and we did hahaha.

The kids and I decorated their stockings with glitter today. I don't think these will be their forever stockings, they didn't really turn out all that great. Guess that is what I get for not looking up better ideas on Pinterest first LOL. But we had some fun none the less.

We got the tree up after the trio went to bed.  Yeah shitty of us not to let them year we will, promise.

Jericho was up for a little while as we tried to decorate. At first it seemed he couldn't care less about the tree. Gave it a little time and his true pesticle nature came out. This is a term my husband introduced me to, he often refers to our boys this way. As much as we love them, no matter what, it really does fit LMAO. We put him to bed and we kept at it. Jericho has been getting better about going down sleepy and not passed out. He is still in the pack-n-play in our room...and he still wakes up 2-3 times a night, but it's a start. For the first time, we walked in to go to bed and found that he had got himself out of the pack-n-play and was laying in our bed. Yeah, pesticle so fits hehehe.  I think we had the pack-n-play pushed to close to the bed and he is somehow using that to help him get out, strong little bugger :)

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas :)

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