
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday Jericho Miles!

One year ago we welcomed another baby boy into our family and hearts. He is totally a part of this team, he moved right in like he has always been here. He is SO his brothers brother (does that work LOL,) I have a feeling we are going to be hearing, and saying, all kinds of tales that begin with "Xander and Jericho" hehehe. His two sisters adore him, when he is not being a pesticle, and already cluck after him in an older sister/Mommy's side seat driver kind of way. Jason loves another rough and rowdy boy to play and wrestle with. As for me, I am still not sleeping through the night...nor do I have my body back to myself, but I wouldn't trade this sweet boy with his huge beaming smiles and infectious laughs for anything. We love you so much Jericho, we couldn't imagine life without you and wouldn't want to! Happy 1st Birthday!!!

The party went pretty well! We had a few guests have to cancel, and since we were having the party at our house we kept the guest list small to begin with, so it ended up being very small. I think holidays, crappy weather and colds going around are going to play heck with poor Jericho's parties for a long time.
We still had about 10 people over, so there was lots of fun and entertainment going on :)

Jericho got me up extra early...actually in time for his exact birth time, so today was a long one. Not to mention we didn't have everything ready on time and were running usual. I was a little stressed out, but all's well that ends well right?!

Our outside decoration so people didn't miss our house hahaha.

This was the first birthday we have done where we did not do a whole meal, it was a nice change. Our snacks and decorations came together super cute :0

I didn't follow the book exactly, but everyone caught the gist. The kids fingerprint caterpillars were perfect!

The cocoon's were a fave...who doesn't like Rice Krispie treats :)

Jericho's cupcake cake was yummy, thank goodness the head was his smash cake, it needed to be smashed...didn't turn out as good looking as I had hoped it would.

We had caterpillars coming out of our game, how many caterpillars do you count in this picture LOL.
The big kids had fun, even though they hated not getting to eat all the fruit and cupcakes that they wanted to.

The birthday boy spent the first hour of his party passed out hehehe.

We had plenty of entertainment :)

When he woke up he got special birthday kisses from his sisters <3

There is my handsome and funny little man!

Gift time, he did pretty good...but got some help from his 3 older siblings.

Then came the moment we have all been waiting for. Smash cake fun!!!
Make a wish baby boy!

Started out so clean.

Didn't last long HA!

Lily decided to help him eat, she was giving him a bite and then one for herself. I am surprised he didn't bite her, the cake must have been enough :)

Such a cute mess.

Oh I can never get enough of that sweet smile!

Such a goober...but seriously he smiles ALL.THE.TIME, it is glorious!

Clean up.
After everyone left we pulled out a few last minute Christmas gifts for the kids.
Xander got a Mater bubble blowing truck thing.

Miss Lily Bug got a Cinderella toy with a coach and a couple horses and mice. She was in love before all the wrapping paper was off LOL.

Hayden was introduced to the Zhu Zhu craze :)

Such a great I just hope all the fireworks that people are setting off don't wake up the kids or freak out the dogs. This Momma is tired and ready for bed. Happy New Year to all, 2011 was amazing to us...hopefully next year will be too!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Tomorrow my "baby" will be one!

It is so hard to believe a year ago tonight I had thrown in the towel on getting a VBAC, after 12 hours of Pitocin and starvation, and was bracing myself for a Csection bright and early the next morning. I took one last belly pic, and tried to commit to memory the feel of my belly and the sweet baby in it. As much as I wanted to meet him, I wanted to hold on to him too. I remember, all too well, having the same feeling with the triplets, it almost felt like I was mourning being pregnant as equally as I was celebrating the new one joining our lives on the outside. So strange, and so bittersweet. There are still things I miss and will always cherish about being pregnant, but nothing at all compares to these little munchkins being here in our world.

1 year ago tonight...
We got most of the party details taken care of today, still some last minute stuff to do tomorrow before the party, isn't there always?! 

Loved getting the big kids help on the decorations and goodie bags :)

The nice thing about a 1 year olds party? You can put the decorations up a bit in advance and not spoil the surprise LOL.

Off to a full day tomorrow!