
Monday, January 9, 2012


The triplets are "reading" a new book at school, and the coordinating crafts have started coming home! When Jason asked them what these little frog puppets are he was corrected, "Dad it's frogeeeeeeee" LOL!

Frog paper bag cute!

Xan flips.

Grumpy pants was too hungry to show us her frogeee. 

So even with my little personal suction system, AKA Jericho, I seem to have hit a weight loss wall. Go figure, I am still eating whatever I want and not working out, Jericho can only do so much LOL. So I joined a group of fellow Momma's of multiples, and a ton of other people around the world, and started
Bodyrock today. It is a 30 day, 20 min and under, 5 days a week kick your ass workout program. Jason and I have also sworn off fast food, other than Subway...hey it worked for Jared, for the month also.
So since I am hoping to get totally ripped, I will share my before picture. Here I am Monday Jan. 9th at 139 lbs and ready to rock!

Speaking of my little suction system :) He is way too smart for his own good. A couple days ago I was sweeping with a broom, every time I leaned it against a wall Jericho was all over it. I set it on the other side of the kitchen baby gate. He tried a few different times to reach his little arm through the gate and pull the broom through the bars. Of course that didn't work, and wow does he scream and pitch a fit when things don't go his way. After his last failed attempt to pull the broom through the bars, he stood there for about 3 seconds looking at the object of his affection. Then the little turd knocked the broom over, reached under the gate and pulled the broom out. I was speechless LOL. He also will walk down the hall to the second bedroom door, where we change diapers, when we tell him we need to change his diaper. Such a smart little lad :)

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