
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Jericho's one year check up...shots for everyone YAY!

Jericho had his one year appt. today, the trio came along since they were due for another shot. Everything went really well, Jericho is doing great. He is a bit of a string bean, but I am glad he has gotten taller than I thought he was.
He measured out at 20 1/2 lbs and 30 3/4" with a grape that measured 46.2cm. His head is in the 50th %, and his height puts him at the 75th %. His weight is only in the 10th-25th % though. We have not had such a skinny mini before, the trio were 23-24 lbs at their 1 yr appt...though Jericho is taller that all three were. The Doc isn't too worried, since he is eating well and taking into account how active he is, walking like a pro and doing all he can to keep up with his big brother and sisters she thinks it is totally normal.
We went ahead and started his shots, with a Dtap today. We had waited with the trio until they were two, but they stayed in much more then than we do now, and they didn't have older siblings bringing home the cooties :) He took it like a champ, didn't even cry.
Xander, Hayden and Lily got their first IPV shot today, their 5th vax so far. Xan and Bug did great, no real crying from them either. Miss Haddie was a whole nother story. We had her go last because we knew she would take it the hardest. We went Jericho, Lily and then Xander, even though none of them cried Hayden was screaming and crying at the top of her lungs as soon as Lily got up on the table for her shot. She continued screaming for a good 10 min after the shots were done, right up until we were leaving. At which point she threw in a limp which she milked for the rest of the evening LOL.

Having fun in the waiting room.

Checking out the fake fish tank.

Every waiting room should have an empty stroller in it. Jericho had fun pushing this one around, thankfully we were called back before the owner came out and took it away.

My silly 1 year old boy :)

Dig the one cheek wedge :)

Just look at that skinny boy hehehe.

My roly poly triplets at their 1 yr appt. Their rolls had rolls LMAO! They also had a lot more hair :) I wonder how much being formula fed vs. breast fed contributes to the weight difference?

I am so glad Jason has the next 4 days off. Hayden's Daddy-itis is making goodbyes when it is time for him to leave for work horrendous. She screams and cries for a good 10 min, and is just so pitiful :(

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