
Friday, January 13, 2012

Jericho's 1st year montage and the triplet's 3rd year!

OK the montages are ready! Not too bad on Jericho's, but about 6 months late on the trio's LOL.

Yes they are long, so grab a beverage and enjoy some great songs, in my opinion, and watch four little people get another year older. I really do try to narrow them down, it is just so hard when my kids are so amazingly cute and such fun and wonderful moments take place each and every day :)

I don't know exactly why I am such a photo freak. Probably because there are not a lot of pictures of me as a child. Or because we do so many fun things with the kids that I never got to do. Quite possibly because I want them to be able to look back and see how hard we tried to offer them all we could...and to have even more evidence of just how much we love them.
At any rate, if you have the time please watch, they are pretty fun :)

Sadly One True Media closed up our montages are no longer available to view.
Thankfully I was able to buy them all on DVD though.
Now I just have to find a new way to make them, I really loved One True Media so bummed they closed :(


  1. I just got time to watch Jericho's 1st year Montage and I swear the only time he wan't smiling was when he was sleeping or feeding. He seems to have such a happy go lucky demeanor about him. I hope that continues for many years to come.

  2. Thanks for checking it out Melinda. You are oh so right, he is one happy lil man! I adore that about him, and I too hope that continues :)
