
Sunday, January 1, 2012

Hello 2012!

Woohoo 2012! Wishing you all a fabulous New Year! Lets hope all the doom and gloom predictions are wrong, because things are just getting good :) But just in case....time to get your "bug out bags" ready!

I MUST finish the triplets latest montage, I am only 5 months behind. I also have to do Jericho's 1st year montage. At least we have no more parties, or anything else planned for a while LOL. Now to just stop procrastinating and get it done.

Today was a lazy chill at home day. The kids all played with their new stuff and then we had some fun with empty wrapping paper rolls. I have to add some pics of the fun and the story...just in case my kids ask their teacher or Doctor to hit them LOL. They were playing with the party balloons, I grabbed an empty wrapper roll and started hitting the balloons like baseballs. Well after a fun bop, or two, on the head or butt, the triplets start running around telling me to chase them and "hit us again." So I go chasing them around pretending to "get them" tapping them on the butt as they ran from me. They love these the TV remote fun from before. They actually had a meltdown when I told them we had to stop and calm down for bed. So yeah, if they ever say "my mom hits us" this is what they are talking about, don't call CPS LOL. 

Silly kids, and of course Jericho is right in the mix :)

Saw this on Facebook...oh so true LOL!

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