
Monday, January 2, 2012

Jumping on the anti-Paraben wagon.

A friend, and fellow mom of multiples, is currently fighting cancer...and totally kicking its ass! She is inspiring me to try and rid our lives of some not so good for you things. Slow little baby steps...but I did go through all our soaps, hair care products, lotions and make up supplies and ditched anything with 'Paraben' it the ingredients.
Buh Bye...
Some info that my friend brought to my attention.
A post on the 'Breast Cancer Sisterhood' blog offered up some info on 'Paraben's'.

A snipit:Have you ever read the ingredients on the back of your shampoo bottle, your jar of moisturizer or the hand lotion you use? Chances are most of those ingredients you can't even pronounce. More importantly, most of them are chemicals you don't want in your blood stream. Regardless of whether you’re male or female, or if you’ve had breast cancer, you might consider avoiding a class of chemical ingredients called parabens.

Methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben and butylparabens are commonly used as preservatives in most of our personal care products. Manufacturers use parabens because they allow everything from toothpaste, to makeup base, to stay on store shelves longer. As informed consumers, however, we should be aware that parabens are known to cause breast cancer cells to grow and proliferate in laboratory environments. Because parabens can mimic estrogen, a hormone known to play a key role in some breast cancers, women who’ve had estrogen positive breast cancer should avoid all forms of estrogen in an effort to lessen risk of recurrence. Many say that should include parabens.

Just as “we are what we eat,” we are also a receptacle for the chemicals we put on our body. According to, the body can absorb as much as five pounds of cosmetic chemicals every year. Parabens are absorbed through the skin and into our gastrointestinal tract and our blood stream. The January-February 2004 issue of the Journal of Applied Toxicology reported measurable amounts of six different parabens from biopsy samples of breast cancer tumors. Because of their estrogenic properties, parabens can also affect male reproductive glands. The January 2009 issue of Reproductive Toxicology reported a probable link between parabens and the possible decrease in sperm production in males.

Studies are beginning to show that a lifelong exposure to estrogen may increase our risk for breast cancer. Many scientists are wondering if the cumulative effects of estrogenic parabens in our personal care products may explain why more girls are reaching puberty younger and younger, some as early as eight, and why more girls are being diagnosed with breast cancer.

Thanks for the great idea of these days I might jump on the juicing wagon too :)


  1. I read something about parabens and cancer too when Hazel was maybe a year... Its in SO MUCH STUFF! I haven't been as good at getting it out of my stuff but for her I now use Fairy Tales Hair products and California Kids sunblock... Both are all natural and paraben free... Its really hard to find a sunblock without it and my pasty white child needs sunblock... So, I pay the extra money... Worth it I'd say... Good luck to your friend by the way!

  2. Thanks! I am glad I finally ditched a bunch of stuff. Thanks for the tips on the paraben free stuff. Gotta rebuild :)
