
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A little entertainment while you shop.*

We had some Christmas exchanges to make, so everyone loaded up and we headed out. Here is a 1min clip of Hayden and Lily dancing in the isles...we could end up on that 'People Of Walmart' site LMAO! I think we need to look into this robot toy for them for their birthday :)

Back home we put their new Zhu Zhu pet crap together. They really love these little critters. Unfortunately, so does Jericho, he grabs the hamsters, breaks the tracks and just causes a bunch of fighting. Poor lil buddy, the big kids are none too happy with him right now.

I love when they play nice together.

Then the balloon play started up again.

After a few min of chasing my screaming kids around I look into the kitchen and see Sakari doing this HAHAHA! She was just laying there covering her ears, I told her that I feel her pain :)

Jericho's 1 year appt. is in a week, I got curious and wanted to see what the home scale had to say. Of course the trio wanted to weigh in too. Xander is 41 lbs, Hayden is 40 lbs and Lily is 37 lbs.

Little man is 21 lbs...little pumpkin :)

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