
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I don't like that big mouse.

A year ago we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese for the very first time. They had fun but since Jericho was all of 7 days old we thought it was time to go again. So after school we stopped there for some lunch and fun. Oh and YAY! no crying at drop off today, I was worried we would be back to square one after the long break, but the trio were happy and excited for school today.

The giant rodent was still not a hit with anyone, except Jericho...he was too young to remember the last run in with 5 foot mouse. Hayden kept telling us how she didn't like that big mouse, and to make him go away. Eh maybe next year.
The triplets had so much fun, they actually got the coins in = tickets out. They came away 400 tickets and each went home with a little prize :)

Carousel for 3, sorry little man, you gotta wait.

Xander loved this "ride" even though in the middle of the ride, when it is alsmot standing upright, he started getting worried and asked to get out. He still put a coin in it like 5 times LOL.

Barney took a bite of my baby :)

Jericho was all over the place, he can just about run these days. We had a few people ask how old he is, I think the bald and slender frame throws people off when they see him walk so well.

I love it when he just walks up and hugs me :)

They went over to the prize case to check things out. Even so, picking out their prizes before we left took for.ever.!

Xander got Lily up in the truck with him...woo hoo go Lily Bug!

We tried to get a group picture, Miss Hayden would not go near them and sat at the table.

Jericho thought Chuck was too cool.

Hello up there little man!

Xander picked a little Spiderman toy as his prize, Lily a rainbow slinky and Hayden her first pink and sparkly lipgloss. Oh boy.

After a fun and busy day the kiddos were very tired. Xander passed out first then Hayden went and snuggled with him awww <3 

So cute!

Now that we are 99% 'paraben' free in this house we have had to try some new products. I have heard great things about the Yes To... products. I got some of the Yes To Cucumbers and Yes To Blueberries stuff...I am liking it so far!

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