
Friday, January 27, 2012

Jericho you are so grounded.

I am going to have a sh!t load of new gray hairs tomorrow, and Grandma is probably never going to babysit for us again.

Jericho was running a symptomless fever of 102 (under arm) all day and night yesterday. We called the Doctor and they said to just watch him, and call back if it gets over 104 or if he still had the fever but still no symptoms after 24 hours. So around 3pm today we called them back to let them know he still had a fever, 103 today, but no other symptoms. They said to go ahead and give him some Tylenol and bring him in tomorrow.

Jason and I were on our way to see a friend who was having a memorial service for her Dad. Jason's mom was home with all the kiddos. We called Grandma and told her we would be picking up some meds for him on the way home, we didn't have any infants Tylenol in the house.

An hour and a half or so later Grandma calls us to say Jericho is not acting like himself and she took his temp and it was 103.3, we told her we were 5min from home. As we were pulling onto our street she calls back to say Jericho is shaking and then she said she thinks he just passed out. We were literally pulling into our driveway right then. I jumped out of the car and ran to her as she was standing with him in the doorway. I was not prepared. I took him from her and even though his eyes were open he was as limp as a wet noodle and totally unresponsive. I have never ever held a baby like that, and I never want to again.

As soon as I grabbed him his head was flopping every which way, he had zero control, he just bobbled and was utterly limp. I damn near screamed oh my god and don't do this over and over while pacing back in forth in my living room. I actually thought he was dying, I thought I was holding my baby in my arms while he died. Jason was outside trying to call 911, they were busy. I took Jericho outside for fear that I was going to freak out the triplets...they didn't seem to notice what was going on. Jason was still trying to get 911 but they were still busy. The only fvcking time I need 911, I am standing there with an unresponsive baby and 911 is busy. I couldn't wait any more I told Jason we are driving there. Carseat crazy peeps close your eyes. I jumped in the front seat holding Jericho and Jason drove us the 5 min to the nearest hospital. There was no way I was putting him in his carseat he was still totally limp and not responding, I had to keep my hands and eyes on him to make sure he was breathing. Did I say the hospital was just 5 min away, why did it feel like forever??? I talked to Jericho the whole time, his eyes were open but it was like he wasn't seeing anything, he started to grunt over and over and over. I just kept telling him his Momma was here and that he was going to be just fine.

To his credit Jason drove very safely and normally, even though I was next to him telling him to pass cars and run lights. Thanks babe, thanks for always being the cool level head when I need it.

We pull up to the ER and I jump out and run in with Jericho while Jason parks. I run up to the window where they want to start talking to you about why you are here and I hold out my arms and just said please help him, I almost start to lose it right there because of course Jericho is still not moving or doing anything and they rush out to get us in the back.

They ask a few questions as they get his weight and get him set up with a pulse ox to get his stats. He started to cry and kind of come back to us, which was the best thing ever. When we got there his O2 was down around 91 so they pulled out a little oxygen for him. Then they got some Tylenol on board, took some blood, cath'd him for a urine sample and got a bag of IV fluids rolling. This was a first for any of my kids, poor guy was not at all happy to be poked and prodded, even the almighty boobie could not make him feel better for a bit. After about an hour they came in to take us down to x-ray, they wanted to check his lungs. He was such a brave little man.

After an hour or so the fever was down to 100 and the tests that had come back were nomal, still waiting on a couple others. The chest x-ray did show a little something that may or may not mean pneumonia could be coming. Seems the seizure was a febrile, they still don't know why he has the fever but the fever is why he had the seizure. They felt he was going to be fine and let us go home. We have a follow up appt. tomorrow, for now we are on Tylenol and Advil around the clock to keep his temp. down. He is sleeping, but this Momma can not relax...I hope I NEVER have to go through that again. When he was so limp and unresponsive I really thought he was dying...I kept it together pretty well, well I didn't start crying at least. I feel like I need to cry now though :(

Starting to feel better, he even took a little nap.

His x-ray...he did not appreciate all the poking and prodding nor this funky contraption...but I am so thankful for the wonderful Doctors and Nurses. I also want to thank all our friends for the thoughts and prayers, you guys rock! Funny, tomorrow is the 1 yr anniversary of me going to this very same ER and having my appendix removed. In fact the Doc. who is giving Jericho this x-ray is the same one who did my cat scan.
Now to try and get some sleep...and not have any nightmares. What a night.


  1. oh man!! I can't believe it. How scary! Glad he's OK.

    Seizures are super scary, especially on such a little person.

    Annie had a chest x-ray done a few months ago too and she was NOT happy with it. Not a fun contraption.

  2. oh my word, momma - just reading this made my pulse speed up - sooooo scary!!!! i am so glad he is ok. you should go ahead and have a good long cry. how stressful for you!!!!

  3. OMG how scary. I'm so glad that he is okay. I know you'll feel a lot better when he is completely over this. . . .

  4. Thanks so much you guys. It was the scariest thing EVER. I can not wait for him to be 100%...because right now I am freaking at every little thing, and reading into everything as well :(
