
Saturday, January 28, 2012

Not looking good for my gray count.

I don't think this ride is over yet.

Todays follow up appt. for Jericho went great. The Pedi was happy the ER did all the blood and urine checks, otherwise she would of had to do it all today. Everything looked good, she thinks it was/is something viral, she said the spots on his x-ray could also just be from something viral. So she said to go ahead and stop the fever reducers to see how he does, we were told to treat if he hits 99 or 100 since he may be likely to have another seizure. Funny enough this morning he was running below normal at 95.5-96.7 (under arm). 

He had his last dose at 9am, and was fine until about 3:30pm. I noticed he was looking out of it again, and had stopped playing. I took his temp and it was 101, I gave him some meds right away. 15min later I took his temp again and it was up to 102.9.

It was so fast, he was fine one min, the next he was burnning up. Guess we can't chill on the meds yet. He went back down to 101 and started acting fine again. He actually did great with eating and drinking today...while on the fever reducing meds.

The next dose time, just 3 hours later, he was back up to 103, I gave him the meds and just hoped it would work fast. Seems like the meds work but need to overlap just a bit more so he doesn't spike in between the end of the last dose and when the new one kicks in. Thank goodness we didn't have any more seizures, though he looked close a time or two. I hope this doesn't go on too much longer, I am on constant high alert and it is exhausting. Thanks for the continued good thoughts everyone <3
 Getting checked out at the Doctors. Poor boy, he is still smiling...most of the time.

Still wearing his little ER badge of honor :) We were so tired we totally forgot it. 

When we got home Jericho gave the triplets some stickers he got for them at the Doctors ;)

Still having some good times over here...even though Jericho is freaking us out LOL.

Yeehaw Daddy!

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