
Sunday, January 15, 2012


There was talk that this winter was going to be a bad one, snow and weather wise. Talk is least in our neck of the woods, so far there has been no bad weather or any of the white stuff. Which I am not exactly complaining about, but every once in a while a little snow to play in is fun!

Today we got a little dusting a few times, and while is was hardley worth putting all the warm winter getup on the kids, they were so excited to go play in it that we did....twice.

My dear son throwing a snow ball at me.

A slick snow covered slide is so much fun!

Sakari was loving it. Gangster refused to go outside Hahaha.
The kids were throwing snowballs at her then brushing her off.

Jericho's first time seeing the snow!

He was not so sure of the white stuff, but boy can he fake a big happy smile anyway LOL!

They loved the snow trampoline fun.

They enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate when I was finally able to get them to come inside.

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