
Monday, January 16, 2012

That is one sorry snowman.

We did not get to play in enough snow yesterday. So today we loaded everyone up and went to play on Larch Mountain.

This was the first time even the triplets saw this much snow. It was only ankle deep in most areas, but they managed to find some spots that they sunk in up to their waist. They had a blast! Of course they were totally decked out in two layers of clothes then, bibs, coats, snow boots, hats that all but Haddie actually left on, and some crappy gloves. Baby brother did not have as much fun. He doesn't have all the snow gear so he got to check it out for just a min then Daddy kept him warm in the Moby under is coat.

Me on the other hand frooze my ass off. I don't have all the snow gear anymore, and actually forgot my gloves at home, duh. My old snowboarding pants that I wore 10 years ago (and size 'S' no less) actually fit...color me surprised and happy LOL, but just not comfortably enough yet to wear and chase 4 little munchkins around. So I will need some warmer stuff before we go do that again...but it was a lot of fun none the less :)

The kids were quick to cast snowballs at the innocent.

And the unexpecting.

Jericho was still not sure about the snow.

Xander was loving it.

The girls fell behind a little.

Jericho was much happier, and warmer, snuggled close with Dad :)

We tried to make a snowman, but without my gloves it actually hurt to touch the snow. I grew up in Iowa and Ohio and have never touched snow that was so fricking cold and painful to touch. It was really kind of weird.

We ended up with a very pathetic lump of a snowman that we stuck two sticks in the side of for arms LOL. We will do better next time!

It was just beautiful up there! And the Escalade drove like a dream!

After a bit us wimps without the proper gear headed to the car to stay warm while the big kids...including Jason, kept playing. Woohoo for heated seats LOL.

We needed a yummy hot dinner when we got home. Thanks to Pinterest, and The Pioneer Woman we had some BBQ Meatballs!
1 1/2 lb ground beef
3/4 cup oats
1 cup milk
3 tbsp finely chopped onion
Plenty of black pepper
We added 7 oz of pureed veggies...gotta get it into the kids somehow, we used green beens.

Stir until it is all combined.

Roll the mixture into small meat balls, and place on a cookie sheet.
Place them in the freezer for 5min.

After 5min remove the meatballs from the freezer and roll each one in flour.

Next heat 3 tablespoons canola oil in a heavy skillet over medium heat and brown them quickly on both sides; don’t want them to cook all the way. Once all are browned place them in a glass baking dish.

Then make the sauce...or you can make the sauce while the balls cool it in the freezer for those 5min.

In a bowl add
1 cup ketchup
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp white vinegar
4 to 6 tbsp of that chopped onion
A dash or two of tabasco
And two tablespoons Worcestershire sauce. Mix it together well.

Pour sauce evenly over meatballs.
Cook at 350 for 45 min.

They were delish!

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