
Monday, February 20, 2012

Another Pinterest win!

I know I have mentioned it before, but I love Pinterest LOL.
I made the kiddos homemade donuts for breakfast this morning, they were fast, easy and yummy! A little heads up, they don't keep much over a few hours.

You will need vegetable oil and canned biscuits (not the flakey kind) for the doughnuts and margarine, cinnamon, and sugar for the coating. First melt a stick of butter in the microwave. In another bowl mix sugar and cinnamon. Open the biscuits and lay them out...use whatever you have to cut the centers out. I used a milk jug lid. Pour a little less than half an inch of oil in a skillet, heat it up on med. or med. high. You want it hot so that the dough is instantly seared and doesn't have to sit in the oil too long soaking it up. Use a donut hole to test the oil, it should sizzle and bubble around the edges and then you know its hot enough.
Put as many donuts in the pan that you can fit at once, it takes 30 seconds to 1 min per side to cook. They will be a golden brown on both sides when done. As you cook the donut, and the holes, place the ones that are done on a paper towel lined plate. Once they are cooled just enough to handle roll each one in the melted butter and then flop them around in the cinnamon and sugar bowl. Eat them up while they are still warm...they are so good!!!

After a breakfast of champions, my boys worked together to try and fix the stool...which they were also responsible for breaking funny enough LOL.

Jericho is looking a little grumpy, he is cutting 4 more teeth...this brings him up to 16!

The triplets got their first real pillows...they are big fans!

Miss Haddie, AKA the shut up police, she has been a big help in reminding everyone that "we don't say shut up, we say be quiet" :)

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