
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Danger really should be his middle name.

I was just sharing about Jericho's crazy daredevil antics a couple days ago, here is what he was up to today...turd. I do not know how this kid has not really hurt himself yet. I wish we could keep him off stuff, but I am afraid I can not police him 24/7. He is so set on getting up on stuff I can't turn my back for a second with out him hauling ass to the nearest danger zone and climbing right up.

You will notice the over turned cart, he uses anything he can find and pull over to the cabinet to help him get himself up. Crafty little sucker :)

He is lucky he's cute!
Today was a rough day in court. I think the Judge knew the jury needed a little laugh, she left this for us to see LOL

Jason and the kiddos came to pick me up after court today, the trio were passed out. So funny! We gotta look into some neck pillows. These slim seats are awesome for getting 3 to a row, but not so great for catching a nap in the car.


  1. I predict Jericho will grow up to be a free-runner. Geez, and I thought Liam was a danger britches!

  2. Hahaha I think you may be right :)
