
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fort fun starts.

The kiddos are really getting into making little indoor forts these days. Jason and I both used to love making these as kids, so far it looks like we have 3 1/2 fans. The half is for short round, he likes them...but also likes to crash them, which does not make the other 3 kids happy LOL.

Xan is the little fort King, he could stay all day in there :)

The sun came out and fooled us into thinking it was a nice day for the park. Jericho and I made it about 10 min, then we said "screw you guys were going to the car" my best Cartman voice :) The rest of the bunch lasted another 40 min or so. Crazy fools!
They raced each other back to the car.

Haddie declaring she was the winner.

Back into the warm house and fort fun.

This kid, such a happy chap <3

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