
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Yay for books!*

Hayden was cracking me up tonight, these are only a min or so long each...and pretty funny :)

And no, we don't refer to TP as "poo poo paper" that is all Hayden's LOL

Our little Daddy's girl.

Our friends Nick, Lisa and lil Miss Kenzie came over for lunch today. They were kind enough to bring Jericho a birthday gift, poor Kenzie was too sick to make it to his party. Everyone had fun helping him open it.

Jericho had a lot of fun with Nick's hat.

Haddie and Woosaw snuggle.
This is not what you think, that is, it is not a turtle monasia-twa. This is proof that my kids are actually listening to the books we read to them. Here we have Yertle, the turtle king, on top off his turtle throne. Another Dr. Seuss gem, it is a new fave around here.

Watching The Princess and the Frog, 2 of my 4 (the 2 in the middle) have decided the Shadow Man is too scary...they wanted to cover their heads during his parts LOL.

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