
Friday, March 2, 2012

I think we found a new place to shoot.

Hello March...and Happy Bday Big Al, love ya!Jury duty has been going good, we should have just another 3...maybe 4 weeks left. Thankfully most days I have gotten a ride in the mornings from my friend Lisa, and pretty close to half the time I have gotten a ride home from Jason. The days I do have to ride the bus are hit and miss; sometimes good, sometimes packed and once I have had an entire bus to myself...that was Twilight Zone weird LOL.

Some days for lunch a group of us jurors head out to eat, I try not to eat out too much but have enjoyed trying some new downtown places. Cafe Yumm is a new fave of mine! This place was funny, notice the tennis balls on the chair legs.

Today after court a co-worker of Jason's was having a little birthday get together at Threat Dynamics. So I came home, played for a little bit with the kids then got ready to go. Woohoo look at me :)

Miss Hayden showing us how she washes her hands all by herself, "I do it myself" is still one of her favorite sentences. It is pretty cute, since even with the foot stool she can't reach the faucet, so she launches herself up on the sink and while laying over it she reaches the faucet and turns it on. Then she lowers herself down to the stool washes and rinses, then she jumps back up on the sink to turn off the water. I know we should be working with her on turning off the water while she is washing, and other water conservation tips, but for right now she loves it so much :)

Another funny Haddie...and Xander too this time, story. I was getting ready for court and from the hallway outside their room I hear (I swear I never knew just what I was missing, the early morning banter in their room is awesome stuff) "Hi, what's your name?" and then I hear "Hi, open the window." My little munchkins were hollering out their window to the people walking by on the sidewalk in front of our house...a new lock is in place on their window, needless to say.

Threat Dynamics was so cool, there was a group of 14 of us, including my brother Scott and his wife. The place is open to the public but much of their business is from police agencies and other government law enforcement groups. They have retro fitted actual Glocks with laser and you get the actual recoil but no bullets. They have computer run scenarios and you go with interactive programs and take action against the bad guys. It is all timed and scored and you get to rerun what you did and your accuracy. I think we will be going back, and often!

Getting to play in their 300 degree threat arena.

Did I forget to mention the 5000 volt zap you get from these fancy belts if you get "hit"??? Thankfully I didn't get hit but a couple others did and it was no joke.

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