
Saturday, March 3, 2012

A new toy!

Some friends brought over a bunch of stuff for our kids, including this great work bench toy. We are so lucky to know so many generous people...the toy is a hit!

During breaks in play Jericho was practicing using a fork :)

The girls blindfolding themselves LOL Silly things! Did I mention how Hayden has taken to being the Mom in the kids pretend games, or that she told Jason she can't wait to be a Momma? It was so adorable I am risking sharing it twice.

Is it any wonder where Jericho gets it?!?!

Monkey see.... LOL

I do so love to see them playing nice together :)

Yeah, I totally have no idea where Jericho gets all of his crazy ideas...boys!

Awww they are sword fighting already hehehe.

He is pretty sure he won...goofball.

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