
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Chicks, band aids and brooms...Oh My!

I have been a total slacker on doing crafts and other fun stuff with the kids. So today we made these cute handprint Easter chicks that I saw, where else...on Pinterest :)

They were all so excited...and of course wanted to paint their hands all by themselves.

For anyone else who plans to try these, I suggest using bigger paper. I had to let them dry then cut them out and glue them onto another paper just so the whole chick would fit.

While the paint was drying Lily walked over to me with a band aid taped over her mouth. She mumbled to help her take it off, but kept putting it right back on...I was OK with that LOL :)

Did anyone else try the broom thing tonight? This was honestly the first time I had heard of it, or maybe just the first time I was actually paying attention. Some say that due to the Earth's axis or how the planets line up you can get a broom (and even an egg) to stand up by itself. I have heard this is bunk but who knows. I tried to stand one of our brooms up and as soon as I set it down, without messing with the brush or trying to balance it what so ever, it stood all by itself. It was still standing an hour later when Jason got home, so he had to try it with our other broom and it worked for him too :) For whatever reason it was doing it it was very strange...just about gave me goosebumps LOL.

Our finished chicks...super cute!

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