
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A return to the gym.

We have a lot of classes to make up, like 12 per kiddo, and decided now is as good a time as any to get started on the makeups. It has been almost a year since we were last at The Little Gym, Xander, Hayden and Lily were SO excited!
Another totally awesome that they are 3 1/2 they go in to class alone. Which means Momma gets to sit out in the lobby and watch through the window while she chats it up with her friend :)

Jericho was not quite crawling the last time he was here...he had a lot more fun this time :)

The trio were all so brave and happy!
Haddie giving us the thumbs up :)
They were up on all the equipment and playing with the other kids and just having a blast!
Jericho was busy himself, flirting like crazy with the other moms LOL.

In other, and not so great news, it seems day weaning Jericho and indulging just a little during my long days at court is not agreeing with me...well my scale any way. I have gained 3 lbs over the last few weeks. Rut roo Raggy better get back on track. Oh and since I am sort of on the subject, the movies are wrong...they so don't provide lunches for jurors. Lame, but there is your useless juror fact of the day LOL.

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