
Friday, March 9, 2012

Xander to the rescue!

Jason, Uncle Skunk and Auntie Amber took the kiddos to get hair cuts today. My little bald wonder went along to play, but obviously was not in need of a hair cut LOL. Hayden actually cooperated, though she did sit in Dad's least she wasn't screaming the whole time. We put off her major hair chop again, we have Easter bunny pics coming up in a couple days and I just hate the thought of chopping off her hair right before pictures.

Court has been long, sad, and really mentally taxing but we are getting closer to being done. Soon I will be able to spill the beans with all of you :)

After I got out today we hit up IKEA. I love that place!

Hayden loved pushing the cart, and Jericho loved her pushing his cart hehehe.

Funny Xander story to share today. Grandma came over to watch the kids so Jason could head off to work. They all went outside to play while Jason finished getting ready. He came out to say bye, then left for work. About an hour later the kids were ready to go in, only to find they had been locked out. I am glad my constant "lock the doors behind you" reminders are paying off...but this is not what I had in mind. Grandma calls Jason to ask for ideas, they came up with the plan to take the screen off the already opened kitchen window and pass Xander through and tell him to go unlock the door. Who needs Lassie, a 3 1/2 year old boy works just as well LOL. I guess he loved it and was very proud :) 

A quick stop for some lunch and a little play time.

I have joined an awesome new forum for Mom Bloggers, if I could get some of you to check it out, and perhaps vote, that would be super!

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