
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Another successful shoot with the bunnies!

It was time for our annual Easter bunny pics, we have been doing this since the triplets were 9 months old. This year went great, none of the kids were afraid of the cute little baby bunnies, and all did a pretty darn good job of cooperating. Jericho got a little rough with the bunnies a time or two but they all made it through without any lasting damage LOL. Lily did end up getting peed on, but other than telling everyone the bunny pooped on her, she wasn't too upset over it :)

A couple little teasers, can't wait to get the photos back! The kiddos clean up pretty good eh? The boys looked so GQ in their first little suits!

My pretty girls <3

The boys were big pimpin' LOL

After the photo shoot we stopped to do a little grocery shopping. The kiddos got a lot of attention :) Especially my little man Jericho who was running up and down the isles giving everyone he came across a hug Jericho grin :)

Then we had some friends over for dinner, and the kids had even more fun. For once Hayden did not spend the first hour hiding out being shy.

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