
Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patty's...kid proofed :)

There was no fun pub crawling for us, no drinks at home even. There was no corned beef and cabbage..the kids wouldn't touch it for the best dessert bribe we could of come up with. Yup St. Patrick's Day has been good and kid proofed around here ;)
It's all good though, we did some fun crafts, wore a little green and had a wonderful day at home.

Little handprint Shamrocks...Lily was not in the mood for painting so we traced her hand with a crayon.

I have a confession. We are budding "Preppers" and fans of the show 'Doomsday Preppers'. We don't really have the room to get too serious about prepping, but we have a few things. Jason picked these up from Costco to add to our supplies. I am trying not to get too scared about it or let it go overboard, but I think it is a legit concern. If you look at it like this, per the experts, natural disaster wise we are over due for a major quake, a tsunami, a pandemic, and a volcano eruption. Then there is also the economy and war crap going on. Something could be, and probably is, brewing. Better to be safe than sorry my friends!

After we were done painting we did baths and got their new St. Patrick's Day shirts on...don't want any pinching going on LOL. They are a wee bit Irish after all :)

Haddies hair is getting so long, such a shame she doesn't like us to do anything with it, she has the perfect hair for anything.

Miss Lily Bug went poop on the potty and got a marshmallow reward. She already told us she won't be doing it again...ugh.

And this is what I have been dealing with all weekend. It seems Jericho and I have a difference of opinion on a couple improtant subjects.
-The first being that since he is not nursing all day long while I am at court and doing just fine then he doesn't need to nurse all day long when I am home on the weekends either.
-The second being that I actually have control over my boobs.
My little ankle biter strenuously disagrees LOL.

He has started using a fork a little here and there at meal times. He also says something that sounds a lot like "high five" then will give you one :) He is such a big boy, now if he would just leave my boobs alone and sleep through the night!

1 comment:

  1. My LO will poop on the potty but only if I am after him all morning, reminding him about it. Otherwise it is in the underpants and he will say we were not talking then so he just went! Ugh! The kids look a wee bit Irish!
