
Monday, March 19, 2012

I love new pictures!!!

Our dear, and most talented, friend Amanda over at VIP did it again this year! We get annual bunny pics done with her, started when the triplets were 9 months old, and have never been unhappy...thanks Amanda! You can see the previous years pics, just click on the year.
This years are as awesome as always! Can they get any flipping cuter?!?! And just when did the triplets go and turn into big kids on us? Mr. Jericho is not far behind.
The bunny was very patient with my very excited 14 month old :)

You can see as soon as Lily got peed on she was over the bunny LOL!

Such a handsome young man!

How ever did we make such cutie pies :)

I love this one of Lily of her best pics ever <3
Jericho thought he was in a pet look a like contest there for a second Hahaha!

I already can't wait for next year :)

1 comment:

  1. The pictures with real bunnies are so cute. I've never been brave enough to try that. I think at one point my daughter would've tried to eat the bunny's ears and I know LB is at that stage right now. But you are seriously tempting me to give it a try!
