
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Parents of Preemies Day.

Today is Parents of Preemies Day, and we are proud preemie parents over here. We are also super lucky preemie parents. Even though the triplets were born at 31 weeks, 3 1/2 lbs each and spent a month in the NICU, only the first 10 days were really scary. By the time they hit 4 months they were really catching up, they were even on the growth charts without having to adjust for their prematurity. By 9 months they were up over the 70th %, the bigger two (Xan and Haddie) in the 90-95th %. We couldn't have asked for things to go better for them. Sadly that is not the case for all families...those babies and their families are in my thoughts all the time.

These are a couple pics that Amy Bauma took when the trio were about 7 or so weeks old. So sweet.

Tonight after dinner the kids did some pig piling on Dad. I hope he can walk tomorrow...his temperamental back can't take much of this LOL.

Jericho is getting quite good with a fork. He will actually scream at us if the other kids have one and we forget to give him one too.

We had some silly kids doing the splits during dinner...dunno, silly I say :)
You will notice my A1 back there. Funny story, I love the stuff...put it on everything. Well I was putting on my roast tonight and Xander asked for some. Me not wanting to share said "no baby this is crack you don't want any." My sweet son pipes up with "I love crack!" LOL crap.

We have had a couple nice days, you know between the rain and the's the end of March for goodness sake. Anyway, Jericho was stuck inside with me while I got a little cleaning done, this is his perch as he watched and screamed at the trio outside.

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