
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Xander, you need more structure LOL

Oh boy do the teachers at The Little Gym have their work cut out for them...they are so happy to have Xander back in class *note the sarcasm* LOL He is such a wild boy. Xan does pretty good for about the first half of class, then he starts not paying attention, wandering off and ends up going in and out of the gym area (now I know why my mom would say things like "come in or stay out" when we were kids)and popping up out with the adults...crowding our adult chat time while we watch the class through the window. Throw in Jericho who screams for his brother and sisters when he is not running around touching everything hahaha.

My kids have me set up with a one two punch, the boys are going to run me ragged for the next 8 years then the girls are going to take over with their tween/teen/chick drama until they are like 25...I'm done for LOL.

Jericho climbs up on his perch and screams at the window "talking" to the other kids.

The class having fun.
While Xander hung out playing with the toys.

Jericho and Daddy did a little coloring.

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