
Monday, March 26, 2012

Some fun videos*

This jury duty has put a damper on our craft time, and my blogging time. It was supposed to take 7 weeks max, well today was the start of week 8. The good news is I think we are going to be done soon!

I have some great videos that I have taken over the last couple of weeks but didn't get up on the blog yet. Enjoy!!!

Jericho LOVES to play chase with the big kids...just look at him running after them, he doesn't even seem to notice when they lap him LOL.

Hayden doing her "Ladies and Gentleman, boys and girls of all ages" and just being silly with her sister hahaha!

Haddie LOVES 'Rolling In The Deep', it is right up there with her Auntie Stacie's CD...which is a new fave. Here is a little clip of some of the entertainment we enjoy every. single. car ride LOL 
If you want to see the full 3 min of this one it is here LOL

I wore purple today to help raise seizure awareness. A fellow triplet momma goes through at least 5 seizures a day with one of her sweet, brave girls. Breaks my heart, she is one strong little girl, with an incredible mom by her side.
Oh and I think this is your first look at my new color and cut I got a couple weeks ago :)

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