
Saturday, April 28, 2012

March For Babies!

Time for our annual March For Babies walk again already. Time flies, and babies change so fast, you can see our first, and second years walking...what a difference. This was the second year the triplets walked it, and this time with just Jason and I, and they did fantastic. Jericho enjoyed the almost 2 mile walk from his stroller, but he would have been much happier if we let him walk too.

Our triplet group, Triplets and More, wore shirts and placards this year...they turned out so cute. The backs of the kids shirts gave their gestation and weight at birth.

The kids thought the placards that Jason and I wore were very interesting. They love for us to tell them which baby is whom...and I am afraid my affinity for "birth order" is rubbing off LOL.

Boy do these pictures bring back some old memories. Hard to believe it has almost been 4 years since they were born.

A little family pic before we got started...yes, I am aware I look like crap. 7am came way too early today :)
There were a lot of firefighters out to support the cause, so the triplets got to see their first fire trucks up close and personal. Xander walked right up to all the firefighters, said "Hi, can I go for a ride?" LOL. They let him down easy on not getting a ride, and offered to let them sit in the truck. That was a hit!

The weather was great, we have managed to not get caught in the rain on one of these walks yet. How we have had such great luck in APRIL is anyone's guess, but I am glad.
They had some special guests handing out snacks and goodies at the halfway point. The triplets weren't too sure of them at first, but once they figured out they were handing out toys their impressions changed hahaha.

Some of our group, this is what 9 three year olds looks like :)

Once we made it to the finish line we hung out listening to the live band for about a half hour, Jericho had some energy to burn off and everyone did a little dancing.

Then we headed over to have a little fun at Grandma's. She was having a birthday party for Great Grandpa! 83 this year and he still skis...yup, he is amazing!

Such a great day today! We are so very thankful to have such healthy kiddos!

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