
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Camping dry run #1

Jason is a camper, I have been camping more in the last 10 years that we have been together than I ever went as a child. He, we...if they have bathrooms LOL, want to do a lot of family camping trips as the kiddos get older. So we gave the munchkins their first little taste of camping today, they seem to be fans....further testing is needed for the smallest member of our team though LOL.

It was a beautiful day for camping, even if it was only in our back yard. The kids helped Dad put up the tent, they even got to help nail in the stakes.

Bonus, no pounded fingers or toes.

Jericho did his share too...he mostly stood around looking cute and providing comedic relief LOL.

Checking out the inside, the tent is in great shape considering we bought it like 7 or 8 years ago. I have no doubt my kids can destroy it after a couple uses LOL.

Jericho loved going in and out of the little shoe compartment...lil rodent :)
Daddy helping Hayden with the windows, she starts freaking out over the strangest things sometimes. First she freaked and wanted them closed, then she freaked later wanting them open. Oh I am scared of the tween-25 years Hahaha.

See, comic relief :)

All done, go team!

They couldn't wait to get their stuff out there.
Jason chopped up some wood, and spread it all over the the kids could go gather the fire wood. Have I said recently what an awesome Dad he is?

Then we grilled some dogs and had dinner!
81 degrees, it is a braids kind of day.

Hayden found a Ladybug.

Oh Jericho, so sorry the can is still are too young to taste the Red Bull.

We could not hold them off any longer, the kiddos were all about dessert. So we started a fire...which made me nervous, but everyone made it out safe.
They were all blowing on it in unison LOL.
Jericho would not stay away, every chance he got he made a B line for the fire.
Hello son...Fire Bad, Tree Pretty!

Jason had to put him up on his shoulders. Jericho fought like a mad man to get down. Fish hook for your trouble Dad, now release me! Bwahahaha!

Now it's going!
Jason helped the trio put some wood on the fire.

First time roasting marshmallows...they did a pretty good job.

Very first S'mores...the triplets are fans :)

Lil man got stuck with a plain graham cracker. Good thing he doesn't know any better...he'd be PISSED :)

Everyone got ready for bed.

This is when we noticed the graffiti...where they found the time I don't know.
Haddie was starting to get a little scared, Xander and Lily were a little excited but starting to chill. Jericho...was a wild man, I ended up having to bring him in the house and put him in his bed. He just needed a little confinement, he was out in 3 min LOL. Which means I got to sleep in my nice comfy bed.

Poor Jason. You would think 3 kids and 1 adult could share 2 Queen size air mattresses...nope, Dad got the floor. Need to get another mattress before the next test run.

The 4 of them slept well, even if the kids were up with the sun LOL.

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