
Thursday, June 21, 2012

First ice cream cone for Jericho!

The kids woke up bright and early in the tent this morning, I don't think Jason was ready LOL. Lily was pretty upset with me that I didn't come back to the tent to sleep. I guess she stayed up 20 min after Xan and Hayden passed out (so much for Hayden telling us she was going to stay awake all night LOL) waiting for me to come back, even though Jason tried to tell her I had to stay inside with Jericho. Thankfully Jason made some yummy cinnamon rolls for helped Lily get her happy back :)

After breakfast a little water fight broke out. Xander has aim! He got Jason as he was running in the house. Sneaky Daddy turned on the faucet and stuck it out the window and soaked Xander LOL.
I innocently stuck my head out the door to get a picture of Xander after he got drinched by the faucet...only to be turned on, he almost got my camera wet.
When he turned his blaster back to the kitchen window I tried again. Haddie and Jericho make good look outs, they told on me so I had to high tail it back inside to safety.
He hosed the door, making sure I got the hint that if I came out again I was getting soaked...he was showing no mercy Hahaha!
Later Hayden asked that I take a picture of her fry shaped like an 'X'. She is really great with her letters she knows all but 2 or 3 of them without any trouble!

Xander has started his summer berry stealing...little turd.

It was another 80 degree day, perfect for some ice cream cones! Jericho was a fan :)

We spent the rest of the day out back. Haddie found a baby Ladybug.

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