
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I can go slow...

We hit up the park today for an hour or so...a little monster chase with Mom and climbing around like a monkey with Dad.

And I wonder where my boys get it LOL.

They are such rebels. Lily told me "Don't yell at me Mom, I'm going up the down."

Jericho is so strong!
A little swing time before heading home. Just before we left another little boy showed up and wanted to swing. His mom was telling him to go play on something else until our kids were done, when Xander...all on his own got off his swing and walked over to the boy and told him he could swing. Makes a Momma's heart swell with pride when they do something so nice just out of the blue like that :)

Back home we hung out in the back yard while Daddy grilled some chicken for dinner. Even though we have our own butterflies in the house right now the trio are insistant that we I catch a wild one with their new nets. I think they just like seeing me run like a mad woman net swinging wildly trying my best to nab one of those little buggers. They fly faster than they look, and somewhere there is a butterfly school that teaches them all about evading the net LOL. And the only thing that Cat In The Hat episode about butterfly catching is good for is getting that "I can go slow, how slow can you go?" song stuck in your head....going slow doesn't help.

We decided to hang it up and catch easier prey. Mom 0... Butterflies 5.

Just when you are wondering if it is time to pass a toy or something on to someone else the kids all decide that it is the new favorite. I can't believe how big they look in this now.

Just look at these blast from the past pics LOL!!! The triplets were 20 months old when we got this toy.

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