
Friday, August 10, 2012

One of those awww moments.

Hopefully this won't jinx anything, but I think we now have 2 potty trained kids...well day time anyway!!! Woohoo!!! Xander has done such a good job, we are so proud of him and he is so proud of himself!
Jericho is pretty interested in this little potty thing...I am only half way joking when I say he could potty train before the stubborn Miss Bug. When we ask Xan if he needs to go, Jericho tries to beat his big brother to the potty, and if he is able he takes off his shorts and diaper and sits on the potty. We embraced it a little today, he did actually get a little pee in the potty, but he also got some on the floor, his foot and my I don't think we are quite there yet. But we love the enthusiasm little dude!

You know those awww moments, the ones that almost take your breath away and leave you asking yourself did that really just happen. Well we had one here today and I actually had my camera in hand. I know a lot of my pictures are of happy kids, playing with each other and looking like we all get along...while that is true much of the time, believe me it is not always puppies and rainbows around here so the really sweet moments are so wonderful to see.

The kids spent the afternoon playing out side, they came in about an hour before dinner...and Hayden passed out. She was in such a funny position I grabbed my camera to take this picture, cute right?!
The next thing I know Jericho climbs up on the sleeping Hayden, gives her a kiss and then lays his head down on her chest.

Haddie woke up for a second, hugged him close...then kicked him off LOL. My crappy little camera was too slow to catch it all, but Jason and I were standing there watching the whole thing. Both of us were like awww did that really just happen. I need to go brush my teeth before I get a cavity from the sweetness :)
Dinner today was a couple of Pinterest finds...and it was so yummy. The kids even ate it...and that is huge these days! Baked ravioli, cheesy garlic bread and a salad!
Baked ravioli, you will need...


  • 1 Tablespoon Olive Oil
  • 1-½ Tablespoon Minced Garlic
  • 1 teaspoon Thyme
  • ½ teaspoons Oregano
  • 1 can Stewed Tomatoes (14.5 Oz)
  • 1 can Diced Italian Flavored Tomatoes (14.5oz)
  • Salt To Taste
  • Pepper To Taste
  • 2 pounds Frozen Ravioli
  • ¼ cups Parmesan Cheese
  • 1 cup Shredded Mozzarella

Preparation Instructions

1. Preheat your oven to 425 degrees F.
2. Heat olive oil in a large sauce pan over medium heat.
3. Add minced garlic and saute with salt and pepper for about 1 minute.
4. Add thyme, oregano and tomatoes.
5. Bring sauce to a boil and reduce heat to a simmer.
6. Break up tomato chunks with a spoon as much as possible.
7. Scoop most of the bigger tomato chunks out and blend (I used a magic bullet, but a regular blender would work too) till chunks are gone. (There will still be some chunks, but small ones, you don’t want any full sized tomatoes in your sauce).
8. Return blended mixture to the sauce.
9. Simmer for about 15 minutes.
10. Meanwhile, cook ravioli in a large pot of boiling water, until they float to the top (pasta does not need to be completely cooked because it will continue to cook in the oven). You can use the package instructions for al dente.
11. When it’s done, drain water from pasta.
12. Toss pasta and sauce in a large bowl.
13. Pour pasta into a 9×13 pan.
14. Top pasta with Parmesan cheese, then mozzarella cheese.
15. Bake for 20 minutes, until pasta is golden.
Find it here

Cheesy garlic bread...

1 premade pizza dough
olive oil for brushing dough
1 ball of mozzarella (not the kind in water, the kind that is vacuum sealed), you will use about half of a ball, depending on the size of it
1 tablespoon minced garlic, with flavored oil
Italian spices

1. Prepare the crust: Transfer to a baking pizza pan, or cookie sheet. Brush dough lightly all over with olive oil.
2. Cut or pull apart the cheese with your fingers and spread all over the dough.
3. Drizzle the pizza with a little of the garlic flavored oil from the minced garlic, and sprinkle with minced garlic over the entire thing. Add just a bit of Italian spices to the top, and bake. For my dough, they instruct you to bake at 425 for 12-18 minutes.
Find here.

So good! This will make the rounds monthly I think :)
We had to email our party thank you's this year...lame, I know. We usually do a photo card and mail them out to everyone, but this year the place we ordered from messed up the order and it never showed up. We didn't have time to reorder so those of you that made it to the party got our picture in your email today. Thanks so much, I hope you know how glad we were to have you celebrate the triplets special day with us!!! XOXOX

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