
Thursday, August 9, 2012

New family photos!

I love getting new pictures! I am like a kid in a candy store when they arrive...and like a kid waiting on Christmas for them to be sent to me. Thank goodness our photog, and friend, loves me or I might really get on her nerves LOL. Amanda, they are always! If you are in the Portland/Vancouver area and are looking for a great photographer give her a try, Visual Impressions!

We went back to a favorite park for these photos, it was just as green and beautiful as it was when we were there 2 years ago getting family pictures done. I am looking a little slimmer this time, I was almost 6 months pregnant with Jericho the last time we were here for pics LOL.

We did our best, three 4 year olds and a 19 month old are not always the most cooperative Hahaha.

And of course you almost NEVER get everyone looking, much less smiling, at the camera at the same time.

This idea came from Pinterest...turned out pretty cute!

So cute...and just look how happy Jericho is, lil ham!

Awe group hugs....LOVE....

The little stream was COLD...only one child was crazy enough to be in it, and actually enjoyed it. I will give you one guess....

Yup...Lily Bug. Seems she is an equal opportunity water lover. Me, I'll stick to the pool.

They had some cute baby ducks the kids loved seeing, wish we would have known...they would have loved to feed them some bread.

Smoochy smoochy, close your eyes kids.

Hahaha not Jericho, he was like I want some kisses too.
My big kids, I seriously have the best crew ever!
Miss Lily Isabella, you are so beautiful...inside and out. You are sweet and fiery...and oh so funny. Always the entertainer, you sure keep us laughing.

My beautiful Hayden Cheyenne. How you like to keep us guessing. You are smart as a whip and have such a sweet heart, but you change your mind...and attitude, about as much as the wind changes directions LOL.
See??? Hahaha.

My handsome boy, Xander Dominic. You are a little wild, but oh so friendly. You have more energy than that battery bunny, and are doing all you can to age us prematurely keep us young.

Then there is our cutie patootie Jericho Miles. How you think that adorable little grin, that you flash at an instant's notice, will get you what ever you want. Maybe because it often does, we are powerless against it. You are our 4th triplet, and have no idea that your siblings are 2 1/2 years older than you.
How lucky are we??? I love my life!