
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A year in review!!!*

Wow, I am only 1 month late getting the triplets montage done this year, instead of 6 months late like last year...go me! I even shaved 3 or so min. off from last years time...though it is still 20 min long. Just grab a drink, kick back and listen to the great songs, in my opinion anyway, while you watch the cuteness :)
Sadly One True Media closed up our montages are no longer available to view. Thankfully I was able to buy them all on DVD though.
Now I just have to find a new way to make them, I really loved One True Media so bummed they closed :(

Hayden and Xander have been having some night time trouble lately. Nightmares about monsters, have meant long uncomfortable nights for Dad in their room. I don't know where this all of a sudden came from...we do not let them watch anything except for little kid stuff. Hopefully it goes away as quickly as it popped up. They are so lucky they have such a great Daddy. Look he even lets very girly stickers remain on his wallet for weeks and weeks LOL.

I have been so busy working on the montage for the last 3 or 4 days, and dealing with our first suspected case of Hand Foot and Mouth...Jericho, then I got sick for a couple days, we haven't been able to really enjoy the 90 degree weather we have had the last few days. Hope it sticks around longer.

We have got back to work on the "Boys Room" again. Hopefully it will be done in the next few weeks, this has seriously taken forever. What it super funny, it is actually a really tiny how it could be taking this long is beyond me LOL.

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