
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Finally hit 100!

Woo doggy it got hot today, I think we hit 102 for our high. No better place to be than in a pool!
The kids had a great time, I even got in...a little faster than I planned thanks to Jason for tossing me in. Then he let the trio push him in a couple times. This was probably not the best idea, as Xander later pushed his friend Skylar in, and she was not happy about it.
Then Xander had a mishap of his own...thanks to Jason. Xan was standing on the edge of the pool, shooting a water gun at us in the water, when from across the yard Jason decided to boot the giant beach ball...left over from the trio's Bday party. He was trying to get it into the pool, instead it hit Xander square in the back and knocked him right in the pool. Thankfully we have a life jacket rule for all the kids, if you are on the deck or in the pool you wear a life jacket, so he wasn't in any real danger...but it did scare him a bit. He later reprimanded his Dad with "Don't do that it is dangerous" LOL.

Lots of fun at the pool!

Lily Bug went right in and did a little floating.
Then there was some beach ball play. The silly BOYS were trying to jump on the ball and "ride" it longer than the last guy LOL.

Bug was fighting me for this cool comfy chair.

Xander was having a blast shooting the water blaster.

My lil cowboy.
A much needed break for dinner.

Then right back to the pool hijinks.

Xan and Haddie, didn't go in beyond the steps, but maybe by the end of summer we will have made a little progress.

Dig the goggles dude :)

By the end of our day there Lily was "swimming" around the pool pretty good! My little water baby, lips blue and totally pooped still didn't want to get out of the pool and go home. Tomorrow is supposed to be almost as hot, I think I know where we will be :)

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