
Friday, August 3, 2012

A little more practice is needed.

It has been pretty tame around here these last few days.
The triplets had their last day at the new school yesterday. We are bummed to be leaving teacher Chris' class, but glad that we still have a 3 afternoons per week spot back at our old school. The kids will get to meet some more new kids and another new teacher next month.
Xander is rocking the potty training, not as quick...or accident free, as Hayden but we will take it LOL. Lily still not interested what so ever.

Little man put on the girls hat, Hayden came to find me yelling "take Jericho's picture, he is so silly."

He is pretty silly :)
Xander and Hayden have been getting pretty good on their bikes. Lily is not too keen on hers yet, what else is new with my Lily Bug. We went for a walk after dinner tonight and let Xan and Haddie ride their bikes. It was a bit, OK total, disaster but they will only get better with more practice. Right?! LOL.

Since we live on such a busy street Jason walked the bikes until we got to the quiet street behind us.
They did pretty well...on flat ground. We almost had a crash due to a runaway bike when we started going down hill. They don't quite have stopping down yet.

Lily was happy to push Jericho in the stroller, Jericho however was NOT happy to be sitting in it Hahaha.

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