
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Check up's and swimming.

Jericho had his 18 month check up today...though he turned 19 months today. My little bean, he has caught the trio in height, but not weight. Jericho is 33 1/2" tall, same that Xander was at his 18mo check up! My skinny boy is only 24 lbs though, which is 5lbs lighter than Xander was...heck he is even lighter than Lily was by 3 lbs LOL. He is perfectly on track and doing great!

After his Doc appt. Jericho and I met up with Jason and the triplets for a little swim at Grandma's. Lily is still the only one that will get all the way in and attempt to swim. Well, except for Jericho, thankfully with his life jacket on.
Xander thought he got his first bee sting...but I don't think he actually got stung. I think he got buzzed in his ear, then he went nuts pulling on it and dunking it in a bucket of water LOL. We didn't see any sting marks or anything, so I think he just freaked at the sound.

We had a yummy chicken burger dinner, it was a lovely day!

Lil man got a bit messy.
Xander loves the police car, someone should tell him his 42 lb self is too big for it...he can't hardly get the thing to move it is so freighted LOL
Cute boy.
As we were leaving the kids noticed that Grandma had put up the Christmas present they made for her last year :) They were so excited!
Another busy day...makes for tired kids!


  1. You are SOOO BRAVE!!

    I have NO CLUE how you manage with tripletes and an additional child!!

    I am a single mother of a big old 14 month old and ,... i ... i just,... CANT FATHOM how you do it!


  2. Thanks, that is really sweet of you to say :)
    14 month olds are no piece of cake...hang in there!
