
Monday, July 30, 2012

Fun at the park.

Want to get to sleep in until 9am? ...Well not counting your 19 month olds 2-3 nightly wake ups, ugh. Spend 5 hours at the park, and get your kids in bed about an hour and a half later than usual. So nice LOL.

We went out to Rood Bridge park for some new family photos, we really love the park but it is about an hour from our house so we don't get out there too often. Actually we had Xan, Haddie and Lily's 2nd Bday party here...and did their 2 year pro photos there too! Our fave photog came out and spent almost 2 hours getting some great shots of the kids and our family...can't wait to see them, Amanda you rock, thanks!

After the photos were done, Uncle Skunk, Auntie Amber and Cousin Hailee joined us for a picnic dinner and some play time at the park.

The kids played with their new Tball, they were doing an amazing job hitting the ball. As much as I don't like baseball, we may have to look into Little League LOL.

Jericho was having a blast climbing on everything. Such a beast!

Lily trying out the rings. Go Bug!

Then it was time to toss the football around. We need to remember to bring two next time, one for the kids and one for the adults LOL.

Some last min climbs in before it is time to go home.

Way to go lil buddy :)

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